My Story

I’m a happily married early 40s Australian guy with a wonderful wife and two young kids. I spent much of my twenties and thirties living in London and Hong Kong where I worked in finance and did lots of travel in my copious amounts of spare time pre kids. I can’t say that I saved anywhere near as much as I should have during this period but I had a fantastic time and really enjoyed it. I moved back to Australia a few years ago and work in a different area of finance nowadays.

I got interested in the FIRE movement around the time of moving back to Australia after an extended holiday and thinking how enjoyable it was not having to work. I do actually enjoy my job most of the time, but like most people if I didn’t have to go to work and could still live a comfortable life then I just wouldn’t go to work. My early experiences were with US based FIRE bloggers like Mr Money Moustache and The Frugalwoods but over time I discovered other FIRE bloggers both overseas and here in Australia. The more I read the more I learn about FIRE!

I plan on talking about a lot of different issues mostly from an Australian perspective but some of the posts will apply to people living anywhere in the world. Because my area of expertise is finance and I work in the field I will be talking about that a lot, often with an opinion that may not be the consensus view of the FIRE community.

As is always the case you should not plan your finances around what someone on the internet says. Everything which is written here is of a general nature at most and is certainly not specific professional advice for you and you should not be relying on it when making decisions. Whilst every endeavour is made to provide accurate information at the time of writing you should be talking to a licensed professional about any specific areas of your finances, taxes etc.

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy!